What Does Success Look Like To You?
For those not in Plexus, these green jewels are given to us each year at convention if we are a jewel (one of the top 3 ranks in the company, in the top .5% of all brand ambassadors)
What does this picture represent to you?
For those who haven’t earned one (yet) you may think this is amazing, and I don’t want to negate that excitement, it is amazing! The pay, the car, the trips, the team, they are all an amazing part of being an emerald.
But I will be brutally honest here, I never wanted 3 of these. To me, this represents quitting on myself and quitting on the people I should have helped in the past 3 years.
I was never so happy career wise as I was when I walked on stage with my first one, my team was there cheering loud, I had friends on stage with me, it was an amazing experience!
But last year I wanted a blue one (2nd highest rank) and this year I wanted a white one (top rank).
It is what I wanted, and it is what I expected.
When I hit the rank of Emerald, I had ranked up every 6 months. Nothing earth shattering, but I was crazy consistent. Now I sit here 35 months and 10 days away from the first time I hit Emerald and I’ve not grown much at all. And as much as I said I wanted to, I didn’t really try to grow.
I was loving my life in Florida. I was making friends, volunteering, showing up to events I said yes to; I was truly leaning into my newfound health and after years of social anxiety, head pain, brain fog, sleep trouble, cancelling plans and truly living in fear of dying; I was ready to just live a great life!
Then we moved to Knoxville, and I was sad. Not depressed, just sad. I missed my friends, I missed my routine, I missed the sun and the water, and an amazing lady named Cheryl who brought a smile to my face and a drink to my hand more days than not at the yacht club. I was just sad, and I am never one to shy away from my emotions. I lean into them, I listen to them, I write about them, and I learn from them.
A few weeks ago, I decided that changes need to be made. Changes to my health, to my habits, for my family, for my spirit, in my business and in my ability to start over and make new friends again.
This is the beginning of week 3 and so far, I have kept all of my promises to myself about myself. No drinking, going to church each week, cutting back on carbs, workout at least and hour 6 days a week, read some scriptures each day, you get the idea.
This week begins adding in the promise to myself to do exactly what I need to do in my business to help as many people as I possibly can get their life back. Momma’s, I know what it is like to feel like you’ve lost all hope. I’ve lost hope more times than I can count at this point, which makes me the perfect one to help you stand up strong again!!
I would be honored if you wanted me to help you on your journey. And if you want one of these green stones, I know how to help you get one! And by the time you get one, I will have gotten a blue one and can help you get one of those too!